Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Organizational Culture Theory is so down right real that when i heard about it, everywhere i felt the presence of the efforts of different organizations to be known. And it makes sense actually. When an a group conditions itself to trying to accomplish a particular goal/goals, the group has to compose itself, organize, set ground rules, set standards of performance and make everything more structured and systematic; ergo, an organization.

Here in the dorm, we have this certain particularity with freshmen about, apart from introducing them to the roller coaster we call college, instilling that sense of respect in them; that they should respect authority and upperclassmen. So we have rituals like the baptism where we engage them in a water balloon fight where it's freshmen vs the rest of the dorm. We all had to go through it. WE have our own OrSem too to imprint in their heads our core values.

With the formation of these ground rules and standards, in effect, a culture is formed. What i love about this theory is its accuracy and almost infallibility; all because it's so tangible that one cannot deny the concepts in this theory.

Moreover, with this culture and the desire to be prominent and famous, or maybe even infamous, organizations invent and reinvent certain strategies to reach out to the viewing public to get them more involved. And since this organizational culture is made real so well among its members, one cannot help but look at the world through the eyes of the organization that they are in.

This culture can come in the form of material to verbal to ritual that organizations could create their own people. I think that this theory goes over the bounds of just organizations. Even little groups of people cannot avoid creating their own sub-culture with the concepts of Group Think. It's intriguing really what people can do in a group. Whoever these people may be. And now I'm reminded of one of the greatest quotes of all time; "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in a large group." One person can only do so much.

Whoever, whenever, wherever; all you need is man power. So it is true that two heads are better than one. Or even better, three, or four, or five and on and on and on.

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