Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ah, communications, a course where you make videos all sem (or so I've heard). I got first impressions of comm as an easy subject of course 'coz most of my friends who are in the course are so chill. Now, a lot of that has changed. I never thought there were communications theories to be discussed. I thought the whole concept of communcations was more of 'doing' than 'thinking'. Right now I can't even guess or get a hint about those theories. I learned a lot from my Psychology classes and i'm learning even more from Sociology and Anthropology. I got Psychology in my arsenal, the study of the inside work of the mind and thought. And I'm packing up on SA, the study of the outward AND inward effects of interaction and co-existence.I thought I had enough right now to be a smart-ass at comm but up until now it still keeps me guessing. Comm to me was like media and conveying messages through it. But there's so much more to it. I never thought of intrapersonal communication, much less of intercultural communication. Honestly, I got it all going for me in my comm11 class. Air-conditioned room, easy atmosphere, 10.30 (not so early yet not so late) class time; the makings of an awesome subject that I could learn from and actually "use" in real life. Best part about it; it's not like algebra or calculus where there's a definite, precise, flawless answer, it's a subject, more of a place where ideas can roam freely and be tested. And if proven wrong, there's room for more ideas.(That part I only think so. I mean it's theoretical, right?)

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