Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why Comtech of all courses?

Making my way to college, i've always had one dream: that is to be a rockstar!! So I thought of going to Silliman University in Dumaguete or UP Diliman to take up a course in Music Composition. But I come from a chinese family that thrives on the manipulation and allocation of resources. In english: that's business. For a pretty long time , my dad was the sole proprietor of 'Cellmart', a telecommunications services wholesaler/retailer (I'm not really sure). The glory days of my dad's business included the 1st year of my college life; meaning, I was definitely going to management. And since we were in the telecommunications business, it was going to be BS Management Major in Communications Technology Management. Funny thing is the business failed just recently and now, we're in the pharamceutical industry but that's another story.